Booster Shots: Keeping You Protected Through the Pandemic

Booster Shots: Keeping you protected through the pandemic

COVID-19 booster shots are an additional dose of a vaccine after the protection provided by the original shot(s) has begun to lessen over time. The booster helps people maintain strong protection from severe coronavirus disease. According to the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control, after being vaccinated against COVID-19, protection against the virus and the ability to prevent infection with variants may decrease over time due to changes in variants.

The worst of COVID-19 may not be over yet. Another variant may arrive this spring. Experts have been worried about a potential vaccine-resistant COVID-19 variant, but the faster we get boosted, the better off we’ll be.

Staying Safe After Your Booster

Although the COVID-19 pandemic is still ongoing, that doesn’t mean we all haven’t started coming up with an endgame strategy. We are all eager to return to some sense of “normal.” Being more cautious about how we interact with others safely is a must. Dr. Walensky, the CDC’s director, said, “COVID-19 will probably become a seasonal virus.” That means it could join the flu and other respiratory viruses that tend to spread during the cold winter months. People will still be advised to wear masks and to stay home when they’re sick, hoping to slow the spread of other illnesses. Tests for COVID-19 will become more available and affordable, allowing people to test easier. The hope is that more children will be vaccinated against COVID-19, which will lead to fewer cases. Lastly, COVID-19 boosters could be distributed every year to lessen the spread of the virus. You can learn details about the vaccines and boosters from the CDC HERE.

Easily Access Your Vaccine and Booster

The COVID-19 pandemic will continue to impact our daily lives. However, the life we get back to will significantly differ from the pre-pandemic one. We will get back to our lives. Reaching that point will depend on our current actions. Being vaccinated and boosted reduces the spread of the disease. Only then will we experience the post-pandemic world.

Need help finding a free vaccine? You can find your vaccine and other resources, such as free transportation to a vaccine site, at