Want a Stress-Free Tax Season? Prepare Early with this Tax Document Checklist

With tax season quickly approaching you may be trying to get all your important records together in advance. Preparing your tax documents early is the first step to a stress-free tax season. Although early preparation is recommended, you’ll want to submit your taxes only when the IRS starts accepting returns to avoid extra fees. We’ve created this tax document checklist to help you prepare to file.
You can file your State and Federal Taxes quickly, easily, and absolutely free with SC Thrive if your Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) is less than $73,000 per year and you live in South Carolina.
To file online, you need your AGI or last year’s PIN. Here is a list of tax documents you might need to file your taxes using Thrive Hub. Be sure to save any of the following documents pertaining to you before you start filing.
Personal Information
- Home Address & Phone Number
- Social Security Numbers (SSN)
- Birth Dates
- Bank Account and Routing Numbers (for Direct Deposit or Withdrawal)
- Government-Issued ID
- Previous Year’s Tax Return (Federal Form 1040)
Income Tax Documents
- Earned Income (W-2, 1099-MISC)
- Unemployment Income (1099-G)
- Retirement Income (1099-R, SSA-1099, RRB-1099, CSA- or CSF-1099-R)
- Investment Income (1099-INT, 1099-DIV)
- Miscellaneous Income (1099-G, W-2G, Alimony or Separate Payments, Taxable Scholarships or Fellowships, 1099-C, 1099-SSA)
Health Coverage Tax Documents
- Marketplace Coverage (1095-A)
- Employer Coverage (1095-B, 1095-C)
Expense Records
- Child & Dependent Care
- Employment & Business
- Contributions to Health Savings Accounts
- Contributions to Retirement Plans
- Medical & Dental Expenses
- Expense records related to the home (Form1098 and Mortgage Credit Certificate)
- Charitable Contributions
- Disaster & Theft Losses
- Expense records related to education (Form1098-T and Form 1098-E)
- Miscellaneous (Alimony/Separate Maintenance Payments, Gambling Losses, Penalties for Early Withdrawals on Bank Accounts)
If you want to avoid costly tax preparation fees and get your full return, click HERE to learn how you can easily file with SC Thrive from home or wherever you have internet access.
Have lots of tax questions? The IRS has many helpful online tools and resources that you can find HERE.