Christi L. Jeffcoat

Christi L. Jeffcoat has expertise that spans over 29 years in the SC Voucher Program, where she is the Control Center manager for the Early Care and Education Division at the South Carolina Department of Social Services. She is responsible for child care eligibility determination, special programs such as Homeless and Domestic Violence voucher initiatives, and all aspects of customer service to clients, childcare providers, and other entities. Ms. Jeffcoat is also involved with policy writing and the implementation and compliance of the Child Care Development Fund (CCDF) governing program laws. Ms. Jeffcoat is a graduate of Columbia College with a BA in Public Affairs.
During Ms. Jeffcoat’s tenure with the SC Voucher Program, she continuously works diligently on policies and processes to ensure the children of South Carolina have access to safe, affordable and quality child care while promoting the stability and strengthening of families.